Daniel "The Gumbo Man" & Mary Lou Marks of Round Top, TX will be serving for breakfast: breakfast tacos and scones and for lunch: Louisiana style gumbo, turkey chili, and chicken caesar salad.
Words & Food - Janice Schindler will have her award winning pimento cheese sandwiches and tubs of it to go. She will also have her delicious hummus and a selection of cookies. Houston Press said of Janice's pimento cheese: "If the Goddess of Pimento Cheese does not sound like a glamorous title, then you've never had Janice Schindler's pimento cheese. The former food editor of The Houston Post and the Houston Chronicle whips up a concoction that will make you forever forget that pale, pinkish spread found in convenience-store sandwiches."
Mickey Morales with his wonderful Katz Coffee and tea & Italian sodas
Trentino Gelato (weather permitting)
The Men of the Knights of Columbus will be preparing grilled sausage.