For Immediate Release…
The Sale for High End Scavengers
Houston, TX, August 18, 2007…Two Yankees who missed the feel of a real outdoor antique market started one with some decorator divas, shop owners and
antique mavens in town 3 years ago.
Now with 40 hand picked dealers and plenty of parking, the next one-day bash is
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 10 - 4 pm.
Shine or rain. Scheduled three times a year, the Urban Market Houston
is the day to grab a pal, empty the trunk, stop at the ATM
and be sure to put your measurements in your pocket.
"This is the stuff we never want to move again!" Projects never completed, remnants, lighting, pottery, modern and antique, repos and originals, furniture, artwork, picture frames, vintage this and that, the better "odds and ends" of the business will all be in huge tents on Heights Blvd. across
from the Art Car Museum.
The mantra is "Don't take anything home" and have a great time seeing friends in the
business, maybe do some horse trading for your inventory. Jane Schott and Maura Cannon,
Co-Founders and proud Yankees, have told dealers to
"mark it to move, you've got one day".
To keep up your strength there is Katz's Coffees and Spritzers, Janice Schindeler and her prize winning Pimento Cheese Spread and the bodacious BBQ from Hickory Hollow. So, bring along your dog if it is well behaved….the same goes for children.
Three dollars admission. ($1 after 1 pm)
Children Free